GAMEChange Network brings together organisations with whom Linda Mayoux has worked since 2002 so that they and other can see and learn from their experiences. They have been developing innovations on two levels:
- Empowerment methodologies: Participatory Action Learning System (PALS), Gender Action Learning for Sustainability at Scale (GALSatScale), Livelihood and Value Chain (BALI, HFHC) Financial Action Learning System(FALS) and other related innovations. These enable women and men to identify and implement their own individual and collective strategies for increasing human rights, particularly women’s human rights as stated in 1979 UN Convention on Elimination of ALL forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the rights of children youth and older people.
- Macro-level mainstreaming of gender and generational empowerment aims and strategies identified at community-level into institutional decision-making and practice and policy advocacy. This includes empowerment mainstreaming in private sector, cooperatives, financial service providers and donor development programmes and projects.
The network is constantly evolving and expanding. All the pages below are incomplete because I have not had time to synthesise and update all the rich information from the projects and activities these organisations are involved in. But I am keeping them live because some of the organisations still need access. And also because particular images are significant in telling the story of the methodologies and need to be accessible on-line.
A more thorough synthesis and update is planned for 2023. There are also many other organisations whose experience I am planning to add.
OTHER network members will be welcome in 2023 if you can put a comment below with your contact and any weblinks.
Join our discussions on GAMEChangeNetwork Facebook Page