‘Gender and Youth Empowerment in Horticulture Markets’
‘Gender and Youth Empowerment in Horticulture Markets’ (GYEM) is a three-year project (2016-2019) implemented by SNV Ethiopia and funded by Comic Relief. The project is undertaken from a value chain development approach, with special focus on the synergy between all the stakeholders in the chain and improving access to sustainable markets for smallholder farmers.
The overall goal of the project is to enhance social and economic empowerment of women and youth through improved control over assets and benefits from horticulture activities on household level in order that:
- women attain higher income from their horticultural activities
- women attain higher production through increased and improved access to assets, inputs, business development services, credits and markets
- youth enhance their participation and income in horticulture value chains through improved services for cooperative’s members
- the unions and cooperatives are more gender balanced in their policies, organisation and capacity building services for their members
- the enabling environment is strengthened to promote women and youth participation in horticulture value chains.
For further information about GYEM see: Project Overview
As part of this project Participatory Action Learning System (PALS) was adapted with women and men champions and staff in a series of catalyst and livelihood strengthening workshops between November 2016 and December 2017 for:
- Timret Cooperative Union, SNNPR (Meskan Woreda)
- Meki Batu Cooperative Union, Oromia (Dugda Woreda).
For updates on PALS in GYEM see the SNV PALS Ethiopia blog: https://palsethiopia.wordpress.com
Project Reports on SNV PALS blog
- 180322_Report Timret_FINAL
- PALS Team Meeting Minutes and Discussion Notes_11122017
- 180322_Report Meki Batu_FINAL
- Livelihoods and FALS Workshop_Butajira-Final Report_05032017
- Leadership and FALS Workshop_Ziway MB_Final_May 2017
- PALS Catalyst Process Workshop_ Ziway Feb (20-24) 2017_Final Report
- 1611_Catalyst and Livelihood workshop_Butajira
- 1705_Champion Field Visit Report_Final-compressed
Further photographs from the Ethiopia process can be found on: