Same Exchange Workshop February 2013

A Champions Exchange Workshop was held in February 2013 to review experience and progress on visions, gender balance and sharing the GALS methodology since the catalyst workshops in November 2013.   This brought together:

  • champions from each of the Vuasu Primary Cooperatives – they cannot normally meet as a group because of very large distances between each of the cooperatives
  • champion representatives from the CMS Mbinga Ngima process: Lucas Ndunguru and Joseph Mbepera

In addition there was a parallel Hivos GALS network international capacity building for partners in Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda thinking of introducing GALS so that they could learn the methodology directly from the champions already implementing in their communities.

Tools used

The workshop reviewed the vision and gender balance fruits on existing diagrams and quantified the existing outreach. Total direct outreach by the original champions was 230 for Same (20 community champions) and 174 for Mbinga (10 community champions). Or average of 1:10 outreach in 3-4 months.

February 2014 estimated direct outreach figures for Same and Mbinga.
February 2014 estimated direct outreach figures for Same and Mbinga.

The workshop also introduced some new tools:

Coffee livelihood tree

Coffee Livelihood Tree

Challenge Action Trees for peer sharing

Group 1 tree showing the challenges and actions for increasing peer sharing.
Group 1 tree showing the challenges and actions for increasing peer sharing.
Group 2 tree showing the challenges and actions for increasing peer sharing.
Group 2 tree showing the challenges and actions for increasing peer sharing.






At the end of the workshop the chair and vice chair of the Vuasu Board presented the Vuasu Vision Journey for the Cooperative Union that had been developed in the Vuasu Organisational Planning Workshop. This then enabled discussion of exactly who in which cooperative would do what to start and more forward.

Vice Chair of Vuasu presents the Vuasu Vision Journey Plan.
Vice Chair of Vuasu presents the Vuasu Vision Journey Plan.
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