Participatory Action Learning System, SNV Ethiopia
PALS Toolkit December 2017 produced for ‘Gender and Youth Empowerment in Horticulture Markets (GYEM)’ project 2016-2018, implemented by SNV and funded by Comic Relief. More details can be found on the following SNV links from 2016, but it is not known how many of those certified are still practising after the end of the project.…
Participatory Gender Review, Oxfam Novib
Part 3 of Rocky Road to Diamond Dreams. Used as part of Oxfam Novib’s GENVAD process.
iLEAD MNCP 3: Leadership Action Tree/Arbre
MNCP iLEAD 1 MNCP LEADERSHIP Vision 2: leadership web/toile 3: Leadership Action tree/arbre 4: leadership multi-lane The Leadership Action Tree (or Challenge/Action Tree) identifies actions that address leadership challenges – but the aim is action, not getting depressed with all the many challenges. The Leadership Action Tree builds on the Action Tree against Child Marriage…
FALS: Oikocredit, ASKI and NWTF, Philippines
Financial Action Learning System (FALS) Toolkit produced 2017-2018 as part of the Bridging the Gender Gap project implemented by Oikocredit, ASKI and NWTF in Philippines and funded by Church of Sweden. FALS Phase 1 Catalyst Tools Five tools are introduced over 2 weeks with clients and staff being trained in parallel to allow both clients…
Happy Family Review: IFAD, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan
The Happy Family Review was conducted in Nepal and Kyrgyyzstan by IFAD in the context of the Joint Programme “Rural women Economic Empowerment”. It builds on earlier Participatory Gender Review Tools that were developed as part of Oxfam Novib’s WEMAN Programme in Uganda and Rwanda.
FALS@Scale: IFAD, FARMSE and Opportunity Malawi
Financial Action Learning for Sustainability at Scale (FALS@Scale) is: Financial Action Learning for Sustainability at Scale(FALS@Scale) is: A participatory and inclusive pictorial entry point methodology for financial empowerment of women and men from all backgrounds, including the ultra-poor. It aims to: It is intended primarily as an entry point inclusive pictorial financial planning methodology to…