Participatory Action Learning System, SNV Ethiopia
PALS Toolkit December 2017 produced for ‘Gender and Youth Empowerment in Horticulture Markets (GYEM)’ project 2016-2018, implemented by SNV and funded by Comic Relief. More details can be found on the following SNV links from 2016, but it is not known how many of those certified are still practising after the end of the project.…
Happy Family Review: IFAD, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan
The Happy Family Review was conducted in Nepal and Kyrgyyzstan by IFAD in the context of the Joint Programme “Rural women Economic Empowerment”. It builds on earlier Participatory Gender Review Tools that were developed as part of Oxfam Novib’s WEMAN Programme in Uganda and Rwanda.
Happy Family Happy Coffee: Hivos, Tanzania, Kenya and Indonesia
Happy Family Happy Coffee (2014-2016) methodologies present an integrated curriculum using the GALSatScale (Gender Action Learning for Sustainability at Scale) methodology as a participatory framework of proven tools and facilitation techniques through which the technical content of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) can be delivered. They were developed with farmer cooperatives supported by Hivos, Ecom Trading,…
Business Action Learning for Innovation (BALI), IFAD
Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment Programme(RWEE) in Kyrgyzstan funded by IFAD, FAO, UNWomen and WFP focuses on strengthening women’s groups and associations and also works at individual level. ‘Bali-bali’ in Kyrgyz means ‘good job’. Business Action Learning for Inclusion (BALI) methodology methodology funded by IFAD, was developed by Linda Mayoux and piloted 2019-2020 by Asel Kuttubaeva…